Qs - Psychic Self Series (640 x 200 px)
11th July - 8th August 2024 6pm CET | weekly Free Online Class

The Quantum Explorers:
Psychic Self Series

Your Psychic talents are a gift of your soul. As we all have a unique soul, so we each have our very own psychic talents. Developing your psychic gifts is your birthright!

Come and join me on:
The Quantum Explorers: Psychic Self Series
This Free Online Class Series offers you 5 Hours of Psychic Learning in which you can:
Understand Multi-Dimensional Communication – Activate your Psychic Self – Remove your Psychic Blocks -Open up to Telepathy and start practicing your psychic skills.
The Quantum Explorers (640 x 200 px)
17th July - 28th August 2024 6pm CET | weekly Free Online Class

The Quantum Explorers:
Telepathy Training Group

Activate your psychic potential. Open up to your telepathic abilities. Learn and practice with me how to ‘send & receive’ simple thoughts and symbols.

Telepathy is “the ability to know what is in someone else’s mind, or to communicate with someone mentally, without using words or other physical signals” (Cambridge Dictionary). Telepathic communication can happen when the consciousness of two or more individuals is attuned to the same frequency. In The Quantum Explorers’ Telepathy Training we learn how to attune to a shared frequency and use simple exercises to build our telepathic awareness.

Please bring several sheets of white paper and a black pen for the practice.

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