Healing since 2003

Tanja is a healer and a multi-dimensional communicator who assists people and places in transforming fear and trauma into authentic self-expression. She facilitates throat chakra activations and psychic self development with the ThetaHealing® Technique. Tanja works internationally, online and on site, with humans and other-than-human beings. She is especially passionate about exploring consciousness and human psychic abilities. In 2024 Tanja initiated the online community ‘The Quantum Explorers’ to study and develop individual psychic potential. Her lastest project is the launch of a Telepathy Training Course. 

As a Communication Science M.A. and a Kundalini Yoga Teacher she combines modern science and ancient wisdom to create a deeper understanding of how we communicate as human beings. The experiences of severe childhood trauma and the healing there of, have made her a highly sensitive, fearless expert and ally for other survivors. More then 15 years of self-exploration in client-centered therapy (Carl Rogers) combined with training as a certified Focusing Practitioner (Eugene Gendlin) have created Tanja’s solid foundation of  compassion and understanding for human suffering and the overcoming of it. Her experience and knowledge was greatly expanded towards the other-than-human world by her first spiritual awakening in 2013 and the resulting training as a Geomancy Practitioner. Today Tanja applies all of her expertise and talent for healing and communication as a ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Instructor. Her calling is to teach and support human and other-than-human beings in reclaiming their true authentic self-expression and become multi-dimensional communicators. 


Opening hearts and minds within the earth community towards a renewed understanding of interconnectedness of all life. Overcoming the illusion of separateness. Reintroducing conscious co-creation, multi-dimensional communication, psychic awareness and authenticity across all planes of existence.


Experiencing the planetary timeline in which the earth community recognizes, appreciates, supports and protects all conscious beings and forms of intelligence in their free will and non-violent choices of self-expression.


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