Telepathy Activation

What is Telepathy?

“Telepathic communication happens in a shared space of consciousness.” 

– Tanja Ellies –

The next step in the evolution of organic human communication is: TELEPATHY!

What is Telepathy?! According to the Cambridge Dictionary Telepathy is, “the ability to know what is in someone else’s mind, or to communicate with someone mentally, without using words or other physical signals”. 

Although telepathic communication is widely understood as the transfer of signals between a sender and receiver this does not reflect the actual experience of telepathy, which feels more like sharing a single mind between two people rather than transmitting specific thoughts to a receiver. In my personal research and practice of telepathy I follow the idea that telepathic communication can happen when the consciousness of two or more individuals is attuned to the same frequency. In sharing a common space in consciousness communication takes place instantaneously by simply having a thought within that space.

Learn Telepathic Communication

Telepathy Activation Class

Get ready for the future of communication now!
Take a Quantum Leap to activate your organic human potential for telepathic communication. Get ready for MIND-to-MIND Communication.
  • Receive individual energy healing & clearing
  • Enjoy live practice opportunity
  • Q & A with a psychic healer

Class 1 – Intro to Telepathic Communication

Class 2 – Tanja Ellies Communication Science (MA) and practicing psychic healer will guide you in preparing your body and mind for telepathic communication by releasing energetic blockages.

Class 3 – During a Quantum Leap Process you will connect with your future self to activate your telepathic skills. 

Class 4 – Active Practice of Telepathy

Telepathy Practice

Train your telepathic talent

“The Quantum Explorers – Psychic Community” Group on Facebook regularly hosts practice groups for telepathic communication. The group and the sessions are free and anyone interested can join regardless of their current psychic skills.

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