Throat Chakra Activation
Discover the power of your chakras
'Chakra' means spinning wheel or energy vortex in sanskrit. Your chakra system is an energy distribution network that insures the flow of life force throughout your body. The ancient vedic sciences describe seven main chakras in the human subtle body. They are located along the spine form its base to the top of your head. These non-physical energy centers interact with specific nerve bundles and organs inside your physical body. All of your chakras are interconnected. If one chakra goes out of alignment and functions to much or to little, all the other chakras will be affected by that. When the energy flow in your chakras gets blocked you will experience that as mental, emotional, spiritual and even physical symptoms. On the other hand, balancing one chakra e.g. the throat chakra, will help improve your overall well-being.

Throat Chakra Activation
The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha Chakra, is the 5th chakra. It governs the area from above your ears down to your collar bones. Its general role and purpose is to be your communication center. The condition of your throat chakra impacts how well you can express yourself and who you can be in the world! Fear and trauma are the root cause for most communication, creation and self-expression issues. When your 5th chakra is balanced and aligned with your highest truth - you feel inspired! Authentic self-expression, communication and co-creation happen with ease. In my throat chakra activation sessions I guide you to release fears and transform trauma to become a conscious communicator, feeling safe to speak your soul's truth with ease.
What your amazing energy center of communication and creation - the 5th chakra - does for you:

The throat chakra is your center of communication. It helps you to listen deeply to others around you and to communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively without holding back what is important and meaningful to you.

It is your source for creativity, co-creation and self-expression. It helps you feel inspired and makes you share your ideas with ease and confidence.

The throat chakra is all about authenticity and the connection to your higher self. In a balanced state it empowers you to follow its guidance and to express your authentic higher self without fear.

It is the seat of your personal integrity. It supports you in being honest with yourself and enables you to stand up for what you believe in.

It gives you the courage to recognize and speak your truth. It always motivates you to seeking truth and also share it with others.

A balanced and empowered throat chakra allows you to access your extra sensory hearing abilities.

A highly developed and trained throat chakra is the foundation for multi-dimensional and interspecies communication and channeling e.g. animal or nature communication, akashic record reading, communicating with your angels and spirit guides.