What is ThetaHealing®

The ThetaHealing® Technique was founded in 1995 by Vianna Stibal as a holistic healing process, that helps you change your subconscious beliefs. It is one of the most effective and sustainable energetic healing methods to achieve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being fast. ThetaHealing® combines the concepts of modern quantum physics with the healing wisdom of our ancient cultures. It will help you to identify and transform the root cause of any issue in your life. Based on this deep self-knowledge it generates profound changes in your consciousness. Raising the quality and vibration of your thoughts and feelings directly results in improved life experiences.

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How does ThetaHealing® work?

The basis of ThetaHealing is the theta brain wave. Your brain is in a theta state when you relax deeply, such as during hypnosis or just before going to sleep. In this state your consciousness is awake, clear and active, your body is sleeping. In the theta state, the veil between the conscious and the subconscious is lifted and it is easy, to ask what you believe about yourself, your life or your situation on the subconscious level and change any limiting beliefs. This process is called belief work or ‚digging‘.

How can ThetaHealing® help you?

ThetaHealing helps you to become deeply aware of your limiting thoughts and beliefs. You will clearly see how your internal programs are shaping your life experience; creating the various issues that you are facing. Understanding and changing those limiting core beliefs creates the transformation. You can then choose to build a new foundation of life-enhancing beliefs that will support you to create a better life experience with ease. The process of this ThetaHealing® belief work is very powerful and initiates changes on multiple levels of your being, e.g. remission of symptoms, having a new attitude towards life, or a new perspective on your purpose, increased feelings of joy and more.

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Your frequently asked questions about the ThetaHealing® Technique

The Theta-Healing® Technique is a method of spiritual healing and a mental training that helps you to deeply access and reprogram your subconscious mind. Limiting beliefs and feelings are transformed in the highest and best way according to your needs, so that you can create more love, happiness, contentment, well-being and prosperity in your life. The basis of the ThetaHealing® method is the frequency of the theta brain wave. 

The Theta-Healing® Technique is a method of spiritual healing and a mental training that helps you to deeply access and reprogram your subconscious mind. Limiting beliefs and feelings are transformed in the highest and best way according to your needs, so that you can create more love, happiness, contentment, well-being and prosperity in your life. The basis of the ThetaHealing® method is the frequency of the theta brain wave.

ThetaHealing is not a religion and you do not need any religious or other spiritual beliefs for ThetaHealing to be effective for you. In ThetaHealing you are in a conscious connection with the energy of everything that is, which pervades and connects everything, unconditionally and without distinguishing. ThetaHealing is therefore without restrictions, open and effective for all people and lifeforms.

Every thought, every statement, everything you hear, see, feel or perceive in any other way can become a fixed mental concept, a belief in your subconscious mind. A belief is an assumption or conclusion that you have made or adopted from others about yourself, about others, a situation or the world.

Drink water before the session! In the ThetaHealing session you will be using the kinesiological muscle test to test for your subconscious beliefs. To get quick and clear results, it is important that your body is adequately hydrated. Get clear about what issue you want to work on and what your intention is. Ask yourself what you want to achieve. Come to the session as open-minded as possible and trust your process.

ThetaHealing is a very effective method and a lot can be changed and set in motion in only one session. Some topics however can be more complex, so that it can be helpful to have several sessions. It is always in your free choice to take a session. In my experience that which your subconscious is ready to release and which is the most helpful for you at the moment will resolve the quickest. Your own openness and willingness to change as well as your clear intentions can speed up this process.

How much does an appointment cost?

I offer you different types of appointments at a different price each. You can find a complete overview of all the options in the booking section

ThetaHealing can be used in addition to other methods and techniques. Please bare in mind that ThetaHealing is not therapy. It does not replace diagnosis and treatment by a doctor, alternative practitioner or psychotherapist. ThetaHealing is also no substitute for a healthy lifestyle.

ThetaHealing is not hypnosis. In the theta frequency (4-7Hz) your brain is in a state that you know when daydreaming or just before going to sleep. During a ThetaHealing session, you and the ThetaHealing practitioner are always fully conscious. This is necessary because you have to give your conscious, out loud consent before any changes can be made. The ThetaHealing practitioner can only work for you with your permission.

Your brain constantly changes the frequency with which it works, depending on what you are currently doing or experiencing. Currently research distinguishes 5 different brain wave frequencies: In everyday life, when you talk or think you are mostly in the beta frequency (14-28 Hz). When you relax, your brain vibrates in the alpha frequency (7-14 Hz). In the delta frequency (0-4 Hz) you are in absolute deep sleep. The theta frequency (4-7Hz) is between the alpha and delta frequency and is the area in which you are really deeply relaxed and conscious at the same time, e.g. like before you go to sleep, when you wake up or when you are completely absorbed in a creative activity. When your brain vibrates in the theta frequency, it is easiest for you to consciously experience yourself in connection with the power of creation and everything that is and to recognize things that lie in your subconscious. This is the state that occurs even in very practiced meditators. In a ThetaHealing session, your brain automatically entrains with the range of the theta frequency as soon as your practitioner consciously shifts her brain wave to the theta brain wave pattern.

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